Kinetics of Lead and bio-concentration factor (BCF) in different tissues of Clarias batrachus during experimental Plumbism

A Common Indian cat fish, Clarias batrachus Linneaus was treated with Lead Acetate for sub-acute and chronic exposure to the xenobiotic. The sub acute study included 3 days and 7 days exposure to different concentrations of lead acetate, while chronic study included exposure to 15 ppm lead acetate for 105 days.

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Journal Article


Bijayananda Naik, Prafulla Chandra Rout

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In all the cases tissues from Gills, Bones, Liver, Blood, Kidneys, Muscles, Skin and GI tract were removed and analyzed by AAS to find lead accumulation. The Bio-Concentration Factor (BCF) was calculated .The BCF varies from organ to organ. Additionally , X-rays photography was made on the chronic treated fishes from time to time, to see whether skeletal tissue is a target of the heavy metal or not. The Co-relation Co-efficient ( r’) in these tissues between Lead treatment and Lead accumulation was found to be highly significant suggesting it both as a dose-dependent and time-dependent process.

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Publication Type

Journal Article


Bijayananda Naik, Prafulla Chandra Rout

Time Frame


