Review Study on the Analysis of Lead from Sindoor

Lead Tetroxide (Pb3O4, red lead) has been found as an adulterant in sindoor, known as vermilion, is a yellow, maroon, or crimson tiny particles used by Hindus for cultural as well as for religious reasons. Sindoor powder is frequently tinted with red lead to create a rich red color.

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Journal Article


Dr Jyotirmaya Sahoo

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While many individuals believe that cosmetics are pure, multiple studies have revealed that the majority of cosmetics include heavy metals and other toxins. The harmful health consequences of lead poisoning have been widely documented. A fast inspection or “search” method for provisional detection of powders was tested utilizing an X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) lead paint commercially supplied testing kit for use by state health agencies. Field sampling methods, besides prediction values targeted at samples containing 3×105 μg/g lead have all been extensively altered. The above-mentioned measures were 100 percent in the samples containing 3×105 μg/g lead, although the Confidence Intervals (CIs) showed a wide variation. Also concentration of 5,110 μg/g was unable to be definitely identified using any field inspection method. Colorimetric and semi-quantitative XRF studies effectively identified lead in samples with higher Pb levels (>3×105 μg/g lead), but not in those with lower Pb levels. According to the results, health department inspectors cannot utilize screening kit as a fast field test for sindoor. In a word, these results emphasize the significance of sindoor threat monitoring.

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Publication Type

Journal Article


Dr Jyotirmaya Sahoo

Time Frame


