Showing 49–64 of 73 results

National Air Quality Control Index

In addition to land and water, air is the prime resource for sustenance of life. With the technological advancements, a vast amount of data on ambient air quality is generated and used to establish the quality of air in different areas. The large monitoring data result in encyclopaedic volumes of information that neither gives a clear picture to a decision maker nor to a common man who simply wants to know how good or bad the air is? One way to describe air quality is to report the concentrations of all pollutants with acceptable levels (standards). As the number of sampling stations and pollution parameters (and their sampling frequencies) increase, such descriptions of air quality tend to become confusing even for the scientific and technical community.

National Report – Lead in India’s Enamel Household Paints

Lead and its compounds are used in paints not only to impart colour but also to make it durable, corrosion resistant and to improve drying. Adverse health impacts of lead especially on children have led countries to restrict or ban its use in paints.

Nutrition-pollution interaction: An emerging research area

The impact of environmental pollution, especially chronic low exposures of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Hg, As, Cr, etc.) on nutritional status and health of human and livestock, has become a cause of concern. It is established that malnutrition inhibits enzyme system, alters neurotransmitter levels, degenerate myelin, glial and neural elements, lowering of IQ scores as well as impairment of fine and gross motor coordination.

Occurrence of some hazardous metals in Indian coals

Studies on hazardous metals pollution through various processes of utilization of the Assam (India) coals suffer from the lack of reliable information on the level of trace and heavy metals in them. Four representative coal samples with high sulphur from Ledo, Tikak, Tipong and Baragolai collieries of Makum coalfield, Assam, India were studied for the occurrence of Al, Bi Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, V, and Zn by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES) methods.

Pediatric lead exposure from imported Indian spices and cultural powders

Significant lead poisoning has been associated with imported nonpaint products.To describe cases of pediatric lead intoxication from imported Indian spices and cultural powders, determine lead concentrations in these products, and predict effects of ingestion on pediatric blood lead levels (BLLs).

Review Study on the Analysis of Lead from Sindoor

Lead Tetroxide (Pb3O4, red lead) has been found as an adulterant in sindoor, known as vermilion, is a yellow, maroon, or crimson tiny particles used by Hindus for cultural as well as for religious reasons. Sindoor powder is frequently tinted with red lead to create a rich red color.

Role of Mushliadi Churna & Bilva Taila in the Management of Badhirya (Deafness)

The enormous problem of deafness is well known and among the major ailments, causing suffering to large number of patients throughout the world. Although modern techniques related to medical knowledge has developed into the most advanced stages, but ailments such as deafness have still remained satisfactorily unanswered. Therefore for the present clinical study deafness was selected to find medication that is suitable, acceptable and have easy compliance; from the ancient texts.

Spatial Distribution, Exposure and Potential Ecotoxicological Health Risk Associated with Geogenic Contaminants in Groundwater Resources of Manipur Valley, India

The concentration of selected geogenic contaminants were evaluated in the groundwater resources of Manipur Valley of India to assess their ecotoxicological human health impacts associated with long-term oral exposure to groundwater. The study focuses on and presents the regional distribution of exposure, concentration and potential ecotoxicological risks to human health among dependent adults and kids. According to the study, some geogenic pollutants, including Ni (24.28%), Co (2.85%), As (7.14%), F (37.14%) and Br (28.57%), have elevated concentrations that are higher than the WHO’s standard permitted thresholds.

Studies on status of serum lead levels among preschool children in Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

The present study deals with the status of serum lead (Pb) level among preschool children in Bhubaneswar Block, Odisha by proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) anatytical methodology. Among the study population, 20.1% chiidren were detected with lead in their serum with mean lead level 0.29 t 0.66 ppm.The study shows that this area is not contaminated with lead above normal level but lead contamination has started affecting.

Testing Lethal Concentration of Lead Acetate on Clarias batrachus, Linn

Indian cat fish Clarias batrachus, Linn. was treated with various concentrations of Lead acetate for 48 hrs . The LC50 determined by straight line graphical interpolation method was found to be 500ppm.The plot obtained is called as “Concentartion- response relationship” curve.