The Toxic Truth: Children’s Exposure to Lead Pollution Undermines a Generation of Future Potential

Hundreds of millions of children are poisoned by lead. Some of these children live in poor communities in rich countries, but the vast majority live in poor countries where they are exposed to lead through multiple routes. Often unwittingly and with life-altering consequences, these children are growing up in harm’s way, inhaling dust and fumes from informal used lead-acid battery recycling
operations and open-air smelters, eating food contaminated by lead-glazed pottery and lead-infused spices, living in homes with peeling lead paint, playing, and even working, in lead-laced electronic waste dumps.


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Hundreds of millions of children are poisoned by lead. Some of these children live in poor communities in rich countries, but the vast majority live in poor countries where they are exposed to lead through multiple routes. Often unwittingly and with life-altering consequences, these children are growing up in harm’s way, inhaling dust and fumes from informal used lead-acid battery recycling
operations and open-air smelters, eating food contaminated by lead-glazed pottery and lead-infused spices, living in homes with peeling lead paint, playing, and even working, in lead-laced electronic waste dumps.

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