Tracing Out Correlation between Blood Lead and Haematological Parameters in Villagers around a Lead Mine Area

Lead concentration in different people of different age groups and sexes were analyzed by AAS around five different villages in a derelict Lead mine area in Sundargarh district of Odisha state.

Publication Type

Journal Article


Ashok Ku. Khatua, B.N Naik, Prafulla Chandra Rout

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BLL, Sources

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Different blood parameters studied included total RBC and total WBC counts, gm % of haemoglobin, haematocrit, mean. Differential counts of WBCs were also done for the respective groups. A correlation coefficient („r‟) between lead content of blood and Mean values of these parameters was worked out. The r – values are found to be highly significant.

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Publication Type

Journal Article


Ashok Ku. Khatua, B.N Naik, Prafulla Chandra Rout

Time Frame



BLL, Sources